the past is coming back in memories
the present save me with dreams
during few minutes my soul and heart are crying
during few minutes my soul and heart are smiling
but when I think about the future, there is no reaction
because he is so uncertain
It's hard to breathe
All the emotions are mixed
In some moments I feel so much pain
In some moments I have so much hope
How am I suposed to breathe with this node that I feel?!
I don't want to live the past back
I don't want to live this present full of illusions
I want to leave the past where he is supposed to be
I want to live the present as he is
And I want to live a future where those dreams came true
I don't need a lot of people around me
I don't need people to tell me that I don't deserve such pain
I don't need people trying to make me smile
I only need one person
The person who will heal all my pain
By only being next to me
With only one word or one look or one smile
The one who will be able to make me breathe again
That person will make me forget about the past
That person will make me stop thinking about the future
And she will make me live the present fully
Live the present as in all my dreams about the future