domingo, 18 de março de 2012

We don't live always in the time we are supposed

Between four walls
the past is coming back in memories
the present save me with dreams
during few minutes my soul and heart are crying
during few minutes my soul and heart are smiling
but when I think about the future, there is no reaction
because he is so uncertain

It's hard to breathe
All the emotions are mixed
In some moments I feel so much pain
In some moments I have so much hope
How am I suposed to breathe with this node that I feel?!

I don't want to live the past back
I don't want to live this present full of illusions
I want to leave the past where he is supposed to be
I want to live the present as he is
And I want to live a future where those dreams came true

I don't need a lot of people around me
I don't need people to tell me that I don't deserve such pain
I don't need people trying to make me smile
I only need one person
The person who will heal all my pain
By only being next to me
With only one word or one look or one smile
The one who will be able to make me breathe again

That person will make me forget about the past
That person will make me stop thinking about the future
And she will make me live the present fully
Live the present as in all my dreams about the future

segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

Build a house...Construct your life...

Life has to be constructed like a house
You start with the base and end with the top
If you build a house with bad material, she will fall when you will not expect
If you construct your life on interests without a solid base, you will reach the top but one day you will loose everything
A house takes her time to be constructed
It needs patience
It needs effort
It needs plans
It needs good material
In life it takes also time to reach the top
You need also patience, effort, plans
But instead of good material
You need true and good relations
In a house if you pass over one of the parts of the construction, she will never be secure
In life if you pass over one of the persons around you, your future will never be secure
Everything is always discovered
Everything will always fall back over you
Bad acts will one day or other always have a bad result
So be honest, thinks twice
And choose between a secure construction or an insecure one

Choose between a guaranteed future you want for you or a fake life that is going to fall one day and will let you without anything
For me it's easy to choose but all depends on your priorities
I will choose to take risks sometimes...
I will use often material I don't know, but I will always use good one

terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

Life as a puzzle

Life is a big puzzle...
Every day lived is a part of the puzzle
Every moment lived is a piece of the puzzle
Runing away of something is never the solution
You have to face it
Because it will chase you all your life
You have to solve every problem to get a piece of the puzzle
Bad moments will be the dark part of the puzzle
Good moments will be the coloured part of the puzzle
No one can solve it for you
Because it's your life and it's made to learn you something and to teach you how to get where you want
At the end when you will have completed all the pieces
The image you will see is
at one side a dark sky or the bad moments
the other side a blue sky with the sun or the good moments
Below you will see a rainbow or the union of both sides
And at the end of all,you will see your ending

Happy ending or not, it only depends of you
It depends only of your acts and how you faced life

Secret feelings

I want to be the one that is with you
I want to be the one to whom you call when you have a time
I want to be one that is constantly on your mind
I want to be the one who shares your thoughts

secret feeling
That's what I call the feeling that I feel for you
secret feeling
only mine
Present for me but absent for the others

One day I hope to reach your world
One day I hope to be part of your life
One day I hope to open the door of your deepest feelings
One day I hope to be the one that will never leave your life

This secret feeling will be one day your secret feeling also
That day it will become a secret love
And later a surprise to all
Will not be anymore a secret but will continue to be ours

sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012


If I have disappointments?! Of course I have! But the next day are just one more moment in the past ... They are the that make me stronger than I am ... It is they who give me the greatest lessons of life ... It is never pleasant, but they are not made ​​to be so ... They are made ​​to make me appreciate the pleasant moments that the future holds


I'm not bad, I'm just direct ...
I'm not cold, I only created a protection ...
I don't think I'm more important than others, I'm just arrogant when people deserve ...
I'm not innocent, I'm just too dear ...
I'm not stupid, I just let you think I am stupid ...
I'm not blind, I am a great observer ...
Pffff, the truth is you can think what you want ...
I do not care because I'm like I'm... I know how I am and my true friends also ...
Who does not know but think knowing, wait for the surprise ... I can not tell whether it is good or not, it all depends on what you think and your actions ...
Never forget is that I can be your best friend but also your worst enemy ... And with that I leave each one to think ...