sábado, 28 de setembro de 2013


Il lui a donné une étoile
Pendant quelques instants son ciel fut brillant
Il n'y avait plus de différence entre le rêve et la réalité
Tout semblait fusionner

Soudain tout est devenu sombre
Ce rêve était devenu cauchemar
L'obscurité commença à régner
Et son sourire se transforma en larmes

Ainsi vient la question qui hante à chaque fois...
Et si...
Et si j'avais garder ma protection?
Et si j'avais été plus dure?
Et si j'avais fuit?
Et si j'avais maintenu ma promesse?

Je ne regrette rien
La vie est trop incerte
Je profite donc de chaque moment comme si c'était le dernier
Avec toute l'intensité possible
Peu importe le prix que j'en paie après

quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013

We promised each other...
You would be the sky
And I would be the earth
Together we would create our world

We passed by almost all seasons
The spring...
When the sun and the flowers come out
The summer...
When the air is warm and the sea gives her a gentle breeze
The autumn...
When the leaves fall on ground
The winter has arrived...
The storm was stronger than us
So you left me in the darkness
And suddenly we were splited

That day everything was gone
I have put every key moment of each season in a box
the first flower you gave me
the first caress you made me
the first deception you gave me
and all the tears you made me cry
After, I wrote a song with our story

I didn't bury that box
I have put it in a baloon
And left it flying in the air
The birds sang the song
And the rest was turned in dust

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

Killed by love

I know...
I just try to close my eyes to everything
The truth is our best friend
But can hurt a lot
So sometimes we just try to be blind

Every day is a struggle
I try to escape of everything by hoping
Dreaming in my little world
Far away of all

I know
I try to convince me that he's better of what he shows
But everything is against him
It's so difficult to admit that he's my biggest mistake
Cause he's the one I love
It's the one who makes me so unhappy
But also the one who knows how to make me happy

Every day I remember all the promises
The moments are engraved in my memory
I try to burn them from the inside
But my interior is flooded by all the tears

If only I could make of all my tears a river
If only I could let everything go with the current
If only he had never exist
I could still believe in a pink side of life

domingo, 28 de julho de 2013

A smile can hide so much,but your eyes will never lie. So when you want to hide how you feel, tries to capture the looks by your smile

There is behind each women,the desire for one only men. Many can touch her,but only one can reach her heart.

We will always search an answer to a question...Cause our life is a question

sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013

Be the hero of your own life

I touched the bottom
I saw the darkness
I heared the biggest silence
I've been through the worst moments of my life

Today I reached the light again
I'm a real soldier
I survived the war between my head and my heart
I'm a survivor of this life that is mine

I've been through the fear
Now she's my strenght
I've been through the pain
Now she's my best shield

Today I've been touched by the radiation
Everything seems possible
It rained constantly in my life since months
Now I smile  every minute

I wasn't seeing other exits
Today I see many exits in this river
And the current helps me to go forward
Suddenly I have many choices and nothing is unreachable

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

Alive or dead?!

I thought I was strong enough
I thought I could lie to myself
But my heart tells me every day that it's not true
I give my biggest smile to everyone
But from the inside I'm drowning
Cause I miss him more than ever

I tried to save me from this love
By burning the pages
But the lack of him
Is killing me little by little

I try to find him back in my best memories
Hoping that it will bring me back to life
But more I try more I fall
Maybe because the bad memories are stronger
Or maybe because good memories will make me suffer even more
Maybe unconsciously my head is trying to help me
And is fighting with my heart
It would explain this mixture of love and hate

I just know that I'm fighting between life and dead
And am in a kind of coma
Where, the reality tries to save me
And dreams keep me in an other world

terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

A new beginning

I say goodbye to the past
I take my keys, my sunglasses and get in the car
Alone I try a new path
I go where I want and do what I want
no more limits and rules
there is more than me, my dreams and the road
the sun touches my face
the wind mess up my hair
and the feeling of freedom is stronger than ever

I'll go where my will wants to take me
I'll follow the music of my heart
my instinct will guide me
even against the current

Nouveau départ

Je dis au revoir au passée
je prends mes clés, mes lunettes de soleil et monte en voiture
seule j'essaie un nouveau chemin
j'irais où je veux et ferais ce que je veux
finit les limites et règles
il n'y a plus que moi,mes rêves et la route
le soleil touche mon visage
le vent me décoiffe
et la sensation de liberté est plus forte que jamais

J'irais là où mon envie m’emmène
je suivrais la musique de mon coeur
mon instinct me guidera
même si contre courant 

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013

Not a turned page but a burned page

Time is supposed to erase every past,every thing
But I still suffer in silent
And even so, the image I have of him doesn't change
They say that his return is not a good thing for me
I just prefer thinking that he's not coming back

He said so many things
He did so many things
And I still love him
My heart bleeds 
Cause I miss him

To me he is just perfect,even with his defaults
He is so mysterious and also so transparent
So cold and also so sweet
He can be a man and also a child
He changes but his soul is still the same

Love can't be explained
It's impossible to control
Love is made only to feel
It's made to live
And with no regrets

domingo, 14 de julho de 2013

Time can't make you forget,but can do a lot of other things

We say that with the time, every past, every thing is forgotten
I got lost a day in the winter
I've spent many time finding back my way
I've been through a lot
I've changed so much
But everything was worth it
Now I'm a new women and recommend everyone to keep calm
This new "me" will not be loved by many people
But honnestly... I am a part of who they made me be
Most live with the fear of the unknown
Most live with the fear of the incertain
Well, I'm not afraid 
I'm so ready for everything that can come
I'm so ready to live what life has to give me
I suffered a lot
I've been disappointed so many times
So now I'm stronger as never
I could put the fault on life
I could put the fault on the people
But to be honnest...I thanks them
Cause without them,I would be probably not be where I am
I wouldn't be the person I am
While they were trying to harm me, I was growing up as person
I was constructing my life
While they were losing their time with my life
I was spending all my time working on my life

The truth is the last one to arrive

I've already been through a part of my way
And had to go through a lot 
I closed my eyes to many things
I controled myself many times
So don't tell me that it's my fault if it's the end

I can see what the most can't
People can say what they want
I don't care about it
Cause I'm the one who sees and feels

They think to know me so well 
That's why they do and say what they want
They think that I'll stay without saying something
Cause they're used to this side of my personality
And that's why everybody is always surprised at the end

I can show a part of me
But the best ones I'll keep them for me
They will be my best weapon
Be sure that I won't let anyone ruin my life

The most funny, is that the day that those who talks the less decide to talk,they are criticized by everyone. Maybe because they are the only ones who say true things.

sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013

Getting my wings

I breath the music
I live the writtings
They tell me that I live in my world
Far away of the reality
But maybe it's my world...
The one who makes me survive in this cruel reality

I feel sometimes lost
This world seems too big for me
I don't know where I should live
I try to find out where is my happiness

They tell me that I run away of my life
They say that my dreams make me blind
The truth is that they give me strength
Strength to go forward without fear
Never regretting my decisions or my acts
By lifting my head no matter what happens

Sometimes I feel like I'm locked by my feelings
But now I'm fighting to get my freedom

sábado, 8 de junho de 2013


It seems like yesterday
I took a look inside of me
When suddenly appeared a storm
Everything changed

You see colors no one else can see
You hear a word in every breath where no on else can hear
You touch me deeply inside, what no one else can do

Today the storm is gone
Everything that has been left is unknown for me
So I hide myself from the world
I refugee me in the safest place
An all new life...

You're the reason why...

You can't see me
But I will always be here
I've told you that one day it would happen
One day I had to go
Somewhere in the safest place

I promised you forever
I didn't lied to you
I still stand here
I'm just hiding

Only one look had been enough
To know that you would always be part of my life
No matter what would happen
Don't think I left you
Maybe one day I'll come back

I promised you that I loved you
I didn't lied to you
I still need that you be strong
I'll keep forever your lessons in my mind

There is somewhere a lie
But a beautiful lie
It's the end of one journey
But more journeys are waiting for us
Everything I've done, I did it for you

I promised you never to be as the others
I didn't lied to you
I'm who you know
I will never change

It's only a question of time
Until the day I come back to you
We both know that this would happen
But we have constructed something solid
Nothing and no one can destruct it
It's not a "goodbye"
Just a "see you soon"

domingo, 12 de maio de 2013

Battante hier,aujourd'hui et toujours

Automne, hiver, printemps, été...
Peur importe
Vent,pluie et soleil je traverserais 
Sourire au visage
Force dans le regard
Courage dans les mains
Je foncerais en direction de tout mes objectifs
Les chemins je traverserais
Qu'ils soient illuminés ou obscurs
Mon sens sans aucune limite me guidera
Je n'ai jamais été une femme à vouloir gagner une bataille
Mais si une femme à vouloir gagner la guerre
Chaque obstacle augmente ma force
Chaque moment de bonheur augmente mon courage
Je suis seule maître de ma vie
Seule maître de mon destin
Et sur ce, je prends mon envole ;)

Chacun sa recette ;)

Chaque moment mérite d'être savourer au maximum
À nous d'y mettre du piquant ou du sucré
À nous d'y faire briller le soleil ou d'y faire tomber de la pluie
À nous d'écrire la recette de notre bonheur
À nous de faire la prévision du temps
C'est tout simplement une histoire
Histoire dans laquelle nous en sommes l'auteur et le protagoniste
Alors à nous d'écrire les lignes de l'histoire de notre vie

To dance,you need to be two

I'm not the proof
But you had the proof that my heart doesn't lie
If you think that crying is a proof of weakness
You are wrong
Because you need bravery to do it
I'm what you don't see or don't want to see
I was what you wanted to do of me until I let you do
Now everything changed
The image was erased
I'm not perfect 
But I did never judged your defects
You was the one I idealized
If I could do a lot for you?!
If I cried for you?! 
It's the proof that I was honest
I miss the times we talked
I miss see you smiling
I miss of hearing your voice
I miss the calm nights
The ones we spent together
I could stay hours and hours looking at you
I should have said a lot,but I didn't said
Because I thought that my eyes were telling you everything

And now I still can't believe that I miss all
Even after everything
But despite I miss you
It's time to go forward

quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

New life...New me...

After all these months of rain
I finally see a rainbow in my life
Now I believe that sunny days are coming
I'll try to make them stay so long as possible

Sometimes we need to stop reading the lines of the past
Stop of living them day after day again in our memory
One day we need to write new lines of our life
And live these lines with intensity

Today I'm a new person
I kept the best of me in my present
I changed what was possible to change
And I left back what wasn't good for me

terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013


I've always heard that I had to follow what my heart tells me
But the truth,is that he can also be wrong
Sometimes things are so confused,that we make confusion with what our heart and our head says
Sometimes we want so much something,that we are blind
And most times,the truth is just in front of us
She not always easy,but she is what she is
And we have to accept it
More we try to lie to ourself,more we will suffer later
Life isn't easy,but nowhere it's written that she is supposed to be easy

Oui...Et alors?!

Peu m'importe ce que l'on peut dire de moi...
Car seulement moi sais ce que j'ai déjà enduré
Je suis la seule à connaître chaque ligne de ma vie
Personne ne sait ce qui m'a fait arriver où je suis
J'ai apprit à être qui je suis,et je ne le cache à personne
Je sais qui je serais,car chaque jours je le construis
On ne m'a jamais aidé à cela
J'ai due tomber et me relever des fois sans compte
Et encore aujourd'hui cela se passe ainsi
J'ai due compter à chaque fois que sur moi
J'ai due me battre et me bats encore toujours
J'ai apprit que les mots peu importent
Car notre version ne sera jamais la version finale
J'ai apprit que nos actes n'importent pas toujours
Car chacun l’interprète comme il le veut
Donc pourquoi me soucier des autres
Alors que ce qui compte c'est que moi je sois bien comme je suis
Je n'ai aucun problème de commettre des erreurs
Je suis humaine et j'en souffrirais les conséquences
Mes erreurs sont une partie de mon passée
Et vont m’amener à mon future
Je n'en suis pas toujours fière
Mais certaines me rendent fière
Car j'ai parfois le courage que peu de gens ont
Au final elles sont mes leçons de vie
Ce que j'ai de bien,que peu l'ont de nos jours
C'est que je construis seule mon bonheur de A à Z
Alors que beaucoup le construit sur le compte des autres

domingo, 5 de maio de 2013

Une histoire connue par tous,mais qui garde sa part de secrets...

Des fois vaut mieux rester dans l'inconnu
On ne peux souffrir pour ce que l'on ne connait pas
On ne peut souffrir pour qui on ne connait pas
Si seulement elle n'était qu'un glaçon
Si seulement le verbe "aimer" lui était resté inconnu
Elle ressent la douleur augmenter jours au jours
Tu es son plus grand vice
Une vraie drogue, qui lui coule dans les veines

Elle est en manque...
En manque de ta voix
De ton sourire,que tu cachais parfois
En manque de tes baisers
Ceux qui parcouraient tout son corps
En manque de ton corps
Celui qui lui donnait des moments de tendresse
Ainsi comme des moments fougueux 

Un jours,sans aucune explication tu es partit
Comme si rien n'avait eu de l'importance
Dans le noir tu l'as laissé seule
Tellement de plans tu avais fait avec elle
Tellement de promesses tu lui avais fait pour un jours
Et quand ce jours là est arrivé
Tu n'as même pas été capable de lui dire au revoir 
En dernier plan tu l'as laissé
Alors qu'elle était celle qui soufrait le plus avec ton départ

Elle a suivit une cure anti-JB
Réapprendre ce qui est illusion et réel
Apprendre à ne pas prendre certains risques
Ceux qui nous font toucher la limite entre la vie et la mort
Redonner vie à son coeur qui à été abattu d'une balle
Apprendre que le filme n'équivaut pas à la vie 
Il est l'héro de sa propre histoire
Mais dans sa vie à elle,il n'est qu'un être humain

La fin n'est pas toujours corps à corps...

A song...

I have composed the melody
You have composed the lyric
Our story was our song
We thought that it was well composed
But we didn't saw some errors 
There was some gaps between the lyric and melody
It wasn't a waste of time
We were just not at the same pace
One of us had started to play earlier the song

Today I'm still addicted to this song
I hear it even in my dreams
And I still hope, to play again our song one day

quarta-feira, 1 de maio de 2013

Could she never wake up

In her dreams she still can feel you
In her dreams she still can touch you
She wished she could dream this way every day
She wishes her dreams could be the reality
But they are only memories
Memories she might maybe never live again
So she wishes she could sleep forever
To live those moments again and again

Sometimes we just give up...

Her soul cries all the tears of her body
She tries to keep her heart alive
But doesn't find the strength anymore
She tries to be strong
She tries to control her thoughts
But her soul and her heart are stronger than her head
It's so hard to stick out
It's so hard to stick out when she wants to stop this pain
She feels like she can't breath
She feels like she is already dieing from the inside
She wished she could snatch this feeling that is causing so much pain
But there is no way to do it
So she hopes that her heart will extinguish and her soul will be liberate of everything

True or not...He has the power

Someone told her that he care for her
Someone told her that he love her
But is it the truth?!
Did she really means something for him?!
Have all the moments spend together some meaning?!
Is he going to forgive her for all her mistakes?!
Is he going to give her a second chance?!
So many doubts...
So many hope...
Even if she will do her best to make it work, everything only depends of him
She can almost feel her heart coming out
She aspen of fright from what's going to happen
She is anxiously waiting for an answer,but at the same time she so afraid to know it
She always thought that being in love was something amazing
But never thought that she would make mistakes that day
And Never thought that it could makes her suffer so much
But she knows that love isn't easy
That she need to fight for
She need to change
She need to make some efforts
Cause the other persone probably doesn't see the things in the same way
Sometimes we recieve a lesson in the hardest way
Sometimes we have the chance to solve everything
And be happy again with the same person
Other times it's too late, and we need to learn from the situation and be strong
But of course we always hope solving everything

It's not a shame, it's being human

Sometimes we need to put our pride at the side
Sometimes we need to say some things even if we are ashamed 
Sometimes we need to assume our mistakes
Sometimes we need to try to change our defects
Sometimes we have the chance to have someone holding us the hand
Having someone who's by our side
Someone who forgive us and gives us an second chance
Other times we need to be strong and try it alone
It's not always easy to change
Not that we don't want it 
But simply,because we are not sure of ourself
Sometimes we so afraid to wake up and see that everything is a dream
Sometimes we so afraid to loose what makes us so happy
That we finish to make bullshit and we lose everything
So never keep to you what you feel or think
Talk always without fear
Don't feels shame
Fighting for what makes you happy is not a shame
It's human, and you need courage
So be proud of you everytime you put your pride at the side,and that you take the risk to fight

Après la tempête,vient le calme

Par la foudre,elle a été touchée
Perdant tout ce dont à quoi elle tenait
Désormais,elle est devenue la tempête 
Elle emporte tout devant elle
Et se libère de sa douleur et haine
Et après cette tempête
Elle redevient finalement celle qu'elle a été un jours

Sous la nuit
Elle n'a nullement peur de l'obscurité
Car la lune l’illumine
Et son étoile la guide

Elle laisse la mer emporter ses larmes
Elle laisse le vent emporter ses sentiments
Sous le sable,elle enterre ses souvenirs 
Les pages du passée,elle déchire
Et elle écrit de nouvelles pages,celles du futur

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Who's stronger?!The driver or the motor?!

Our heart is like a motor
And our head is like a driver 
We can choose to take care of our motor
Or not and to crash it
Sometimes our motor has been too many times used
And can hold it anymore
So we decide to extinguish it

segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013

Regardez plus loin que le bout de votre nez...

Les gens de nos jours sont tellement égoïstes
Ou bien elles ne se rendent pas compte de l'impacte de leurs actes et mots sur les autresOu bien elles éprouvent tout simplement du plaisir à les détruire et à les faire coulerDes personnes souffrent tout les jours dans les mains de tels gensSe sentant humiliées,rabaissées...En silence elles souffrent,car se sentent des moins que rienElles éprouvent de la honte et du dégoûtÀ un certain moment,elles éprouvent même du dégoût envers elles-mêmesPerdent toute confiance en ellesMontrent un sourire,mais des larmes coulent de l'intérieure Se renferment tellement qu'elles finissent par se sentir seulesPar peur de subir à nouveau une telle chose,finissent par s' éloigner de tout le mondeSe disant que au moins seules,personnes ne leurs refera du malCes personnes essaient d'être fortes,mais finissent un jours par tout laisser tomberCar ne se croient plus capables de rienNe croient plus au bonheur et à la bonne volonté ou honnêteté des autresEt croyez vous que les autres se rendent compte du mal qu'ils leurs font?!Et bien non...Ils ne se mettent même pas en cause,n'essaient même pas de remédier au problème ou d'aiderIls les font couler encore plus,car c'est la seule façon qu'ils ont de se convaincre qu'ils n'ont rien fait de mal...Mais que c'est les autres qui sont perturbésOui certains finissent peut être par perdre le contrôle,mais ils ne le font pas sans raisonsIls essayent peut être de trouver un peu de lumière dans tout le mal qu'on leurs faitIls espèrent peut être trouver du bon dans les autresPiur se sentir moins des idiotsQuand on est blessé,rabaissé,humilié des fois sans comptesIl est difficile d'aller de l'avant comme si rien n'étaitCes gens sont prises par un tourbillon,dans lequel elles ne voient pas de sortieEt se retrouve ainsi à brouiller du noirAlors,avant de juger les personnes et de les critiquer,demander vous ce que ces personnes ont enduréAu lieu d'aider à les faire couler,aider les à remonterCar c'est facile de dire avec les autres,mais sans le savoir,vous devenez des égoïstes comme euxN'attendez pas que se soit trop tard pour regretté le mal que vous avez fait,ou pour ce que vous auriez pu faire pour aider et n'avez pas fait


Elle essaie de redevenir la personne qu'elle a été un jours
Plus elle essaie,plus on l'a fait tomber
Quand elle pense que les choses ne pourraient pas être pire
Voici encore une étoile qui tombe du ciel
Tout les jours une étoile tombe
Chaque étoile contient un rêve,un peu d’espérance,un peu de force et un sentiment 
Quand toutes les étoiles seront tombées 
Il ne restera plus rien
Et malheureusement,il ne reste plus que trois étoiles
Quand celles-ci auraient quitté le ciel
Il ne restera plus rien à faire


domingo, 28 de abril de 2013


Elle n'est plus que l'oeuvre du mal qui lui a été fait...
Dans une boîte elle a enfermé tout se qui était bon en elle
les rêves
la joie
les bons souvenirs...
Et dans la mer elle a jeté cette boîte
Avec un billet aller simple
Elle ne ressentira plus rien envers personne
Elle n'éprouvera aucune pitié 
Elle ne sera loyale que envers elle-même
Quoi qu'il arrive elle restera fidèle à se nouveau "elle"
Et ainsi l'élève se retourne envers son maître, et plus forte que jamais
Car sa douleur et sa haine sont devenues de vraies armes


Elle n'est plus celle qu'elle était
Tu ne saurais point la reconnaître, et pourtant c'est toi qui a fait d'elle ce qu'elle est
son sourire n'est qu'une couverture
ses sentiments ne sont qu'une illusion
Tu as abattu tout ce qu'elle avait de bon
En lui laissant que ce qu'il y a de mauvais
Ses rêves tu as détruit
Sa personnalité tu as changé
Si un jours elle a été le côté lumineux d'un ciel en pleine nuit
Maintenant,elle est le côté obscur de ce ciel et éteint tout ce qui est lumineux 
En une tornade elle s'est transformée
Sans aucune pitié,elle prend tout devant elle
Longtemps elle a été contrôlé
Aujourd'hui c'est elle qui contrôle 

sexta-feira, 26 de abril de 2013

Turning in circles

Lost she will write her story
She tries to liberate her soul
Doesn't know if this life makes sense
Confused she has no clue of where she's going
She can't decipher the signs on her road
Tries to know how to be again herself
Which is the way back home
But has been away since so long
So many things happened
And the roads have changed so much since the last time...

She wants to follow her heart
But he always pushes her to the same direction
She's turning in circles
And her soul keeps being trapped

quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013

He won the battles,but she won the war

You made her playing a game
The game of your story
But you hid from her that it was rigged
That this game was made for you to win

When she didn't find an exit
She decided to realize some challenges 
She put an end at this game
She decided to forget you
Hiding herself from you
Confusing your radars

From your web she was saved
Thanks to the strenght she found in her pain
Her weaknesses became weapons
Her heart became a shield
And this way...
She decided to live with an amnesia of this love forever

Pages kept in the past

There was once...
A girl who really loved you
She was always there for you
No matter what might happen
That girl believed in you
Through the wind and rain,she would pass
She knew that nothing would be perfect with you
But you were perfect for her

Now this girl doesn't exist anymore
You made disappear all her dreams
You made disappear her sweetness
And you made appear the cruel truth about your story
You made appear the darkest side of this girl

The day you will come back...
She will not be here
You will only find dust of what you had together one day
The only thing you will have of your story,are memories
Good and bad ones
Words said maybe thought,maybe not thought
Acts made to hurt, or acts that were commit without any intention
But everything will be only doubts

The only answers you will be able to find, will be in her writtings
But not in the sound of her voice
Cause the place she will be, will be called "far far away"
A place where she will start a new life
Where there is no place for her past

That day,you can be sure you lost this girl...

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

Lives on the sound of life

Makes a step to the right
Gives a smile
Discretly, makes another step to the right
This time says a word
Now,gives some seconds of suspense

She swings...
Tries to seduce you
With a look, with a smile
Dancing on the sound of the music
She feels attracted and starts feeling shivers
But still doesn't know, if you feel in the same way

Continue the game
Make it last all night long
Until both of you are catched in the web
Makes from a ordinary moment, a special moment
At the end...
Feels the moment, and makes it last 

Don't wait to be happy
Enjoy every moment
Fight for what you want...or those you want in your life
If you don't try,you'll never know
Don't say never
Never regret something you haven't done
Be yourself and show to the others who you are
Don't be afraid and take risks
Life is uncertain, so make of your life something amazing ;)