Love is not something we find when we want, but when it has to be
The best things happen when we do not expect
Why searching love when it can be on the other side of the ocean
I don't try ...
I just live my life day by day ...
I'm accomplishing me personally, and when love will come to me, I will be a woman even more accomplished.
When he appear, I will be able to give him his true value
When he appear, I will be able to enjoy every moment
I will not suffer from what I don't have but being happy with what I have
For when I find love, be even happier than I am!
The path wich has always been closer, has always been the one who is rectum. So why go over bridges, turning right or left?!
I always wanted to walk very fast forward, I always wanted to achieve fast my goals and dreams. So I follow my life straight. Where I have to stop I stop, step ahead of what I have to pass, I accept the obstacles that appear in front of me and I decide if I want to keep them in my life or not. Life is so simple, so why complicate it?! ;)