segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

When you will not expect, things will appear in front of your path...So don't search but live your life

Love is not something we find when we want, but when it has to be
The best things happen when we do not expect
Why searching love when it can be on the other side of the ocean
I don't try ...
I just live my life day by day ...
I'm  accomplishing me personally, and when love will come to me, I will be a woman even more accomplished.
When he appear, I will be able to give him his true value
When he appear, I will be able to enjoy every moment
I will not suffer from what I don't have but being happy with what I have
For when I find love, be even happier than I am!
The path wich has always been closer, has always been  the one who is rectum. So why go over bridges, turning right or left?! 
I always wanted to walk very fast forward, I always wanted to achieve fast my goals and dreams. So I follow my life straight. Where I have to stop I stop, step ahead of what I have to pass, I accept the obstacles that appear in front of me and I decide if I want to keep them in my life or not. Life is so simple, so why complicate it?! ;)

One day everything can change...Never lose hope...

All was darkness in my life ...
There was no dawn ...
The stars were bright but I could not reach them
These stars were distant targets, that my pain, my anger and my fear would not let achieve.
One day I woke up and everything was lit ...
Since that day I do not know what is darkness
Today I don't hear the sound of the waves only when I go to the sea, but I hear them constantly around me
Today I don't feel gentleness only when I touch the sand, but when I play whatever I'm building
Today I don't feel free only when I feel the wind, but when I fight for my goals with my beliefs toas
Today I don't feel alone because I am surrounded by people who love me
Today I don't feel unsuccessful, but starting a new life
Today I don't feel sad, but happy to be able to achieve my dreams
I am happy to be alive, but specially to know how to live life.
Today I am what I once was and what I've always wanted to be when I were big!
Today I'm just me and happy to be like I am

The secret is in your mind

For a long time I was unhappy
I left people act in my life
I left them take control over my life
I left who didn't deserved, reach me
I believed that would never be happy, because only bad things happened
I believed that I wasn't good in nothing, because others said I was not capable of nothing
I listened to those who I should not and I did not listen to myself!
Recently I decided to change all that
Today I believe I deserve to be happy like everyone else
I believe I deserve to reach my dreams and above all that I can
I don't let anyone control my life and tell me what I can or not
I am not affected by who deserves nothing from me
I don't let anyone act in my life, only who I want
Today I listen to me every time
I never believed that only will power was enough to achieve something but never knew why.
Now I know! We need will power yes, but the key to achieve all is the mind! Positive thinking! Because we can have all the willpower in the world, but if we do not believe in our abilities and we deserve to achieve our objectives, we'll never get anything! Positive thinking attracts good things! Today I can say that this is even true. Try it, you will see results! :)

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Life is a long road with paths or options...

Life is a road with several directions. Each directorate is an option that we have to take in life. We never know if it's the good one until we try it, but the positive is that this road has in turn different directions too. Which means if it's not the good option, we can turn right or left. And better yet, is that one day we can return to find the road that we had decided to leave. The funny thing is that there will not be a conscious choice, because you never know where will take us each road. But here's one of the good things of life ... She surprises us. Sometimes certain people or events lead us to go down the road we do not want, but everything has a reason for being. Who knows to learn something or to makes us be able to give the right value at what we have.
For new things or people come into our lives, some have to go to give them space. Whenever something bad happens to you, think it's to give you a lesson. And whenever something good happens to you, think it's because you apply the lesson that was given with the bad one.
Many people only values ​​things or people when they lose them, so why not learn anything from the past. So do not do the same. You learn from your mistakes and bad times, think about it even if it's painful, so when you will have the opportunity to be happy, you will not waste it.
A few days ago I had the choice between two paths. Even if the way I wanted to go was not easy, I was willing to follow him. But someone pushed me to choose the other, so I went. I'm not sure if the fact that I followed that way made that person happy, but I know that it made me unhappy. I do not know if one day I will return to the way he was but life will tell me in the future. The other day someone said "What / who will have to be yours, will be yours. Life takes many turns so do not think about it now. "And I say" Easy to say, but do .... We don't always find something / someone who's so important for us in such a short time. We don't always open our hearts so easily. "I speak for myself because for me it is very difficult to let something / someone come into my life. Perhaps the lessons that life has given me and the pain I've ever had. But the truth was that I left a few days ago something / someone ome cinto my life and now I follow a completely different direction against my will.
I do not want people to say "Maybe one day you will find back that something or someone if they have to be." I do not want to hear it at all, because it means that something or someone will no longer makes part of my life now and I do not want that something or someone to go out of my life. Do not want to go the opposite way to that something or someone, but a parallel path that allows me to get to it whenever possible. A path where there is no need to go back again but which intersects with the path of that something or someone.

I wander through this new path with the memories of the other way.
That way who
did me smile again
did me dream again
did me feel good again
did me again open the door that I closed one day
did me appreciate a cuddle and a kiss again
gave me again desire to give love and recive love 
did me again believe that there are still people who deserve that we give them the best of us
And how can I want to erase this way?! I can't because even if everything seems impossible, I think it would be cowardice to turn it off instead of continuing around. How can we prove to someone that he is special to us if we don't  show him how special he is to us. The efforts prove it and no the words. Because words are lost half way but the acts are marked like signaling panels.


Today I woke up and everything was the opposite of what I wanted ...
I was alone and where I didn't want to be
The sky was dark and it was cold outside
I felt like a weight that I wanted to get rid
Everything seemed wrong

Sometimes we can be surrounded by people, but if we are not surrounded by people that have importance to us, it's like being alone
The dark sky is not helpful when already inside of us is only darkness
Cold weather does not help when our heart is freezing

If I could, today I was on the other side of the ocean
I would be somewhere in the sun or at least where people seem happier
I would be surrounded by security, stability, friendship and love
I would stay far away from those who are supposed to make me happy, but in reality only make me unhappy.
I would be free ...
free from this weight
free from pain
free from loneliness
free from fear
free from threats
free from this present who's killing me slowly
For the first time I would choose my life without fear of consequences

segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011

Cacto...Eu sou cacto e tu aquele que um novo solo me deu e cultivou...Continua a tratar de mim e não me abandones no solo que me deste...

Sou um cacto que vivia no meio da natureza no frio. Um dia de verão, ele me encontrou e me deu sol. De repente a alegria entrou em minha vida. Meus espinhos me protegiam da dor. E nesse dia não foram os espinhos que agiram mas as minhas raízes que cresceram de repente com o adubo que ele me deu, e assim envolvendo-o. Eu não tinha flor mas a luz que ele me deu, me fez florir. Ontem era um cacto que apesar de pouca luminosidade, pouco adubo, etc., sobrevivia e atraia. Hoje sou um cacto cheio de alegria e amor que encanta. Eu apenas ainda não tinha encontrada a temperatura adequada para mim, mas nesse dia ele chegou e eu encontrei. Não tinha escolhido o solo no qual estava mas tão pouco escolhi o solo em que ele me pôs. Espero apenas que minhas raízes continuem a sobressair dos meus espinhos. Que ele as deixe crescer e envolvê-lo cada vez mais e que não as volte a pôr no vaso com pouco espaço, onde os espinhos voltem a sobressair, a fim de me proteger da dor que ele me possa causar.
Cuida de mim e eu não usarei os meus espinhos para me proteger, mas para te proteger a ti.
Cuida de mim e não serão só as minhas raízes ou seja eu a crescer, mas seremos nós os dois.
De mim cuidaste, dando-me luz e um novo solo…Por isso não me abandones agora, porque para isso preferia que me tivesses deixado onde eu estava. Deixa ser eu agora a cuidar de ti.
Não deixes que pragas ou doenças, ou seja, o passado, mate aquilo que te atraiu ate mim e me fez a mim florir. Mas nada está perdido, apenas não me deixes morrer tratando-me com os métodos tradicionais, ou seja tratando-me da mesma maneira que te trataram. Mas volta a ser aquele que foste no dia em que nossas vidas se cruzaram e cura-me com beijos e carícias, que só tu tão bem sabes fazer .

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Metade voou...metade caiu

Faltou-me o ar, por isso mudei de ar
Minha alma vagueia algures à espera que a porta se abra
Meu coração gela e espera um pouco de sol
Minha alma esta perdida e procura o caminho certo
Não posso mudar o passado nem presente, mas posso dar-te um coração que é verdadeiro
Só é preciso abrir a porta

Meus lábios estão queimados de tantos beijos que guardam
Beijos que não te posso dar
Minhas mãos estão pesadas de tantas caricias que guardam
Caricias que não te posso dar
A minha cabeça esta ficando vazia
Vazia porque em nada mais consigo pensar

Iludida, foi o estado em que me puseste
Perdida, foi como tu me deixaste
Desiludida, é como eu estou hoje

Nada dura para sempre
Tudo vem e vai
Voltar é que nem sempre


Today my heart is a rose ... my soul is raining torrential...petals are falling ... the hope, the self-esteem, the love, the joy ... suddenly the rain stops and just a petal stays, the pain ... One day this petal falls and reborn a rose full of petals, that will start a new life ...