People say often that life makes us who we are
But I'm not agree
It's true that life is not always nice with us, but we can choose to be who we are
If I would think as the most people, I would be a cold person, without principles, without respect for other ones
I would be an egoistic person with completely different dreams
But I'm not a person like that and my dreams are in fact different of those of other people, but they are good. Instead of being like the people I see around me and those who hurt me once, I became the opposite of all those people.
Maybe because life wasn't always easy and friendly to me, maybe because I went through all those difficult moments, that now I can give some things their true value. Instead of devalue as most people
Life isn't an valid excuse for what happens
Life isn't unfair, we are unfair with life, because many of you blame life for everything
It's of course easier to say that it's not our fault, that we deserve better and we are victims of life. But we are the ones we act, who take decisions. We are the bosses of ourselves, so we have to blame us.
Life can have some influence but the last decision is always ours
We can fight to get where we want, we will fail sometimes. But the secret is not to give up. Life is constantly put us to the test, it's up to us to proof her what is our value and what we deserve!
So stop complaining of the life you have, and proves to the world what's your worth!
I walk in laps on the road, trying to understand what is happening to me
I'm lost between dreams and reality
I'm confused and scared of what I'm feeling
As much as I try to control these feelings and escape, they chase me
I'm not ashamed of you but I am ashamed of what I feel for you
I always said it would never happen to me, and today is happening
I know that nobody will understand me
Everyone will tell me I'm crazy
And I think that they should not be completely wrong
Is it just a curiosity or these feelings will be real?!
I just know I walk in laps on the road and every time I turn around in a street, I want to see you there
I just know I want to know what the feeling of spending a whole day with you
You are constantly in my mind
Each day that passes increases my curiosity
My desire to have you in my life also increases
People may say I'm crazy
But I would be able to overcome the oceans to know how it feels to have you beside of me
I would be able to risk everything to live these feelings with intensity
I could change my whole life if you are the person I always hoped
Since childhood I dream of a love so great that it could overcome all challenges
A love that makes me feel to be an accomplished woman
A love that returns the smile that I lost a day
This love can be far from the perfection for everyone else, but for me it's perfect the way it is
People can judge me
They can criticize me
But to me it does not matter
I always tried to live life as much as possible on my own way
I always followed my heart
Even if sometimes I hit my head against the wall, I never gave up to follow my heart
I just wanna live my life and be happy on my way
The rest I do not care what people may say or think
If I am ashamed of what I feel, it's because you might find me crazy too
Because even this seems crazy to me
I can not explain, but I feel a great power pushing me to you
You're the dream that can become a reality
You are the unknown that may become known
You are the happiness that can be achieved
During a time I criticized you
Now I can only give you compliments
Life is strange, is a surprise and always catch us
The most difficult is not being in love with someone but falling in love with someone. Even if I'm agree that a relation is not always easy and asks sometimes patience.
I mean by this, having true and real feelings.
Loving someone is not
only feel attraction for someone
do everything to have the person in your life as if winning a trophy
have sex with that person
etc ...
It's much more than this
When you are really in love
You feel chills
You feel dreaming all the day
You feel like life is more amazing than ever
You feel like you can achieve everything
You want to be always able to see and hear the person
You want to feel the person beside you
You can feel his parfum even miles away from him
You worry with the person
You take care of the person
You are able to put the wishes of the person in front of yours
You are never able to lie to the person, even if you do your best trying
You trust the person
You tell everything to the person but you also listen every time the person needs
You can't promise that it will last forever but you want it to last forever
You can't imagine you being fine without this person in your life
You will try to know everything about the passions of this person
A simple caress, a simple kiss on your head, a simple hug is more than amazing when it comes from that person
When you love someone, everything is amazing with the person
Of course you have good and bad moments, but in bad moments you will do the right thing to keep this person in your life. Even if you are stubborn, you will tell the person that she is right, just to avoid a big discussion. And sometimes you will see that both of you will have the same idea :p
Even if you don't like sleeping until late, you will stay in bed just to can be in the arms of that person.
Once you're in love with someone, you feel and want and do everything I said above. All this happens automatically!´
The most difficult is to find someone who makes you feel all this!That's one of the biggest challenges in love!
You make me go back in the past
At that moment when I was a little girl and believed with heart and soul that everything was possible
The time I dreamed with princes, castles and "Happy ending forever"
You make me go back in my teenager time
In every bird's sound I could hear a song
Each time I saw daisies I played the game "he loves me,he doesn't love me"
When I heard talking about a cute guy, I started flying in my dreams
I heard my favourite song on the radio and suddenly my day started well
I dreamed with my first kiss
I'm a young adult with a side of child and a side of teenage
I know which dreams I can achieve and which ones exist to make me fly away
I don't dream of castles because anything is nice at the moment I'm with you
I don't dream about my first kiss in life but about a first kiss with you that will be as the first in life for me
I know that nothing is really an happy ending because you have always bad and good moments but we can make last forever
Instead of playing with barbies, I write texts
Now I'm not anymore a victim of the choices of the adults but a victim of my own choices
I see normal movies but I also still see disney movies
Now I don't wait dreams to come true but fight to make them come true
But I still know that almost everything is possible
My heart is burning and my soul is crying
I don't need fake people telling me that everything is gonna be ok when they wish the opposite
I don't need people telling me that life will be better tomorrow when they have no clue about it
All I need is people to leave me living my life
All I need is some peace
All I need is to start a new life far away from everything and everybody
It seems cruel to say that, but it's what I feel
All my life I put others in front of me
All my life I lived the life that someone wanted for me
But now
I want to think more about me
I want to live the life I want for me
I want to be who I really am
People tell me always that 23 years old girls do this or that
But I don't care about what others do!
While the most girls dream about some kind of things
I dream about things completely different
And of course now some are thinking "What is she saying?! There is nothing missing her!". And few are understanding what I'm talking about! I'm not talking about material but about family, feelings, etc. How many live on street but feel happy because they have a real family beside of them?!
Once more, it's the proof that people has no idea about what is the most important in life!
Never think that someone's life is easy just because nothing is missing that person, because material and a smile can hide a lot things!
Some friends tell me sometimes that they don't understand how family can be so important for me when I don't care about a lot of family members. Family is maybe important for me because I never really had one and I want one. Maybe I do give a lot of importance on family because I know what is it's value! Because while you always had a nice family with her good and bad sides. Mine had few good sides.
It's sad to see people who has an amazing family not giving it her true value!
People always tell me that I'm always smiling, that I have a lot of energy, etc. And it's true but sometimes while I'm smiling I want to cry and while I'm full of energy I want to escape in my little world.
It's so much easier to hide our feelings than to have to talk about it. I prefer people to think that I'm fine rather than people asking me what's going one and see them feeling sad for me!
Because that's not what I need!
If I do not stand up alone, no one will be able to do it! I am the one who needs to be strong, to fight for my life and show what's my value! No one can do it for me! And no one needs to know what's up in my life! It will not change anything in my life!
I maybe feel really sad sometimes, but I never forget that there are people passing by worse! So you won't hear me complain about my life!
I'm not sorry about the past or present! Because everything through which I passed, made me the person I am now!And even if I didn't get yet everything I want in my life, I'm happy to be the good person I am! Past and future teach me something new every day and make me a better person.And one day when I will get what I really want, I will be able to give it his true value!
Everything has a reason to be! The secret is to believe in life, on what we deserve and never lose hope!
And not to forget that there is always people in situations worse than ours!So we are no one to complain! We just need to be thankfull for what we have and try to achieve our dreams!
People try to guess my life
But only I know about her
No one has any idea about my deepest dreams
No one imagine who leaves me breathless
They don't know what are my future projects
And they will not know
The secret is the soul of the concretization
It's never good to let people know so much as us about our life
I let them think what they want and I do not worry about the fact that they can discover, because it's not imaginable for them. People who has nothing better to do than talking about other ones lifes, can't be an originial person. Because if they were original, they would be thinking how to be happy with their lifes and how to realize their dreams,but instead, they're keeping busy with the lives of others