sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2012

You are...

My weakness and my strong point...
That's what you are
You can make me cry with only a word
You can make me smile with only a smile
You can give me shivers with only a caress
You can get me up
But you can also make me fall
You can save me
But you can also be the reason for which one, I would be able to fall
With you I touched the sky
And without you,I can see the sky falling


Don't live under the wings of an angel
Cause you are the angel
Your life is the wings
And one day you will discover the strenght that will make you fly

A mask

She was hiding something
She was holding something inside
But no one could see behind the mask
Only the sides of it
Everything was making her strong
But she didn't knew it
Through the wind and rain she was passing 
And even if sometimes she wished never have been borned
She walked forward
What she didn't knew
Was, that her dreams would give her wings one day
And the strenght she had inside and was unknow to her, would make her flying
So one morning she woke up, strong as a stone and also light as feathers
Without fear she showed the world what she was hiding behind this mask
She wasn't a child anymore
She became a woman
She never judged the ones who have judge her until that day
She left her past backward
She was living the present
And was flying to her future

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012

Modern fairy tale

I don't believe anymore... I' don't wait for... But maybe it still exists somewhere for someone...

I'm so close to you
At the same time kilometers away
I can read in your eyes
I can give words to your silence
But that's not enough

Fairy tales as before don't exist anymore
The prince doesn't come with his horse

But with his car
The princesse doesn't wait for him at her balcony
But give up
There is no 'one time' but 'one more chance'
There is no happy end but an unknown end

There is no perfect story
And I don't expect a such story
Cause it doesn't exist
But in her imperfection, she will be perfect for me

Our rollercoaster

Together the winter is like spring
When we tell lies, we'll make them sound true 
And when we tell the truth, we'll make it sounds fake
We say some words and we make a game with them
Even if the air is fake, he makes us breathe
Even if everything is unreal, everything feels real
When we touch, it's like unreal
And when we are far away, it's like we were living in the reality

With us everything works in the opposite way

Nothing is commonplace
Every day, is like a day on a rollercoaster
We can imagine how it will be,how it will make us feel
But we don't know at which moment
We may be afraid but even so, we take the risk
And once in the move, all our fears leave us

I wouldn't change such days for anything